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Zhou Xiaowen


Drama, Comedy



'Ermo' lives with her son and older husband, a former head of the village who has become ill and unable to work. Ermo works hard, making twisted noodles and selling them in the marketplace to support her family. Despite her husband's plan to build a house, Ermo's ambition is to buy the biggest TV set in the district. Ermo's neighbour helps her make more money by driving her into town to sell her noodles and eventually getting her a job in a restaurant. In town, Ermo discovers she can also make money by selling her blood to the hospital. Every night, exhausted and anaemic, Ermo counts her savings, until the day when she will be able to afford the TV set.

98 min


About   the Director

Zhou Xiaowen, also known as Zhou, is a Chinese director born in Beijing in   1954. He graduated from Beijing Film University in 1975 and is part of the   fifth generation of mainland Chinese cinema.

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