Made in China Festival Day
Immerse yourself in China: a day-long celebration that promises a feast for all your senses. This festival day combines a live podcast session, a captivating book presentation, inspiring short films, cutting-edge virtual reality, poetry and delicious food and drinks.
Romain Deconinckplein 2, 9000 Ghent
11:00 - 19:00
(Doors 10:30)
Dutch & English
€ 20 / € 9 (students) / UiTPAS kansentarief
In Dutch
Modern Chinese literature & Shi Tiesheng
Sunday 30 March
What is modern Chinese literature? How does it relate to Chinese tradition and to Western literature? Talk with translator Mark Leenhouts and Jan Dertaelen on Chinese Literature and the novel 'Notes on Principles (Wuxu Biji 务虚笔记) by Shi Tiesheng 史铁生.
Talks & Live Podcast
In Dutch
The Image of China in Chinese Architecture
Sunday 30 March
Talks on culture and architecture by Mieke Matthyssen and Martijn de Geus, followed by a roundtable and Q&A with host-journalists Veerle De Vos and Tom Van de Weghe with guests cultural antropologist Ching Lin Pang, Belgian architect Frederiek Ampe, Mieke Matthyssen (UGent) and Martijn de Geus (Tsinghua Univ).
VR & Docu
Mandarin with English subtitles
‘The Real Thing': An immersive experience that feels like more than just a visit to China.
Sunday 30 March
11:00 - 18:00
Immerse yourself in an unforgettable 360° experience that feels like more than just a visit to China—it feels completely real. Visit the absurd city where people actually live among The Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal. Don’t miss it!